ORGANISED by CIR (Consiglio italiano per i rifugiati, Italian Council for Refugees) in collaboration with AFRICARTOON, for cartoonists from the South of the world or refuges/immigrants in Europe (each participant must send a brief curriculum vitae and his/her contacts).
DRAWINGS for the competition: cartoons or strips which illustrate the theme of the competition or part of it.
SEND THE DRWINGS before the 15th of September 2008, possibly in a digital format to both the following email addresses: and,
or send the original (which shall not be returned) to the following postal address:
Marisa Paolucci, via Rastrelli 167, 00128 Roma, Italy.
The new explorers of the Third Millennium go everywhere, to search for new dreams and a chance to live. Comic strips and cartoons tell stories of immigrations, human rights violated and integration into pluralistic societies, to denounce the problems of the Third Millennium and open new ways of hope. They show the difficulties of survival, not only in the countries of origin but also in those of arrival. All this in the context of the celebration of the 60 years of Un Declaration on Human Rights, when after 60 years millions of people still must wander around the world searching and struggling for their own rights and basic needs.
- Glimpses without borders: the negated human rights of invisible man and women. Global injustice, wars, civil and political rights, basic needs. The struggle of those staying behind.
- Invisible paths: the silent journeys of peoples running away. It is not only a question of running away, but also the courage to look for new ways.
- Refugees because of others’ decision: the right to political asylum. The difficulties to prove that you are in danger of life in your own country of origin and that you need to be welcome in the country of arrival.
- Foreigners is your destiny: difficulties and successes in the countries of arrival, struggling towards a new multi-ethnic society. Racism, negated rights, integration, multi-cultural society.
- The best drawings will be part of an exhibition on immigration and human rights “Journeys without borders” which will be in “Lucca Comics and Games” (100.000 visitors, the most important event of this type in Italy) from the 18th of October to the 2nd of November 2008, then in Rome during the celebrations of the 60th anniversary of Un Declaration on Human Rights in December 2008; during 2009 the exhibition will travel and be exhibited around all Italy .
- The best drawing will receive a money prize of the value of 500 euro.